DigiHealth UK: Harnessing Technology and Innovation
During one of the most complex and challenging times for the NHS, an accelerated drive to improve efficiency and use of technology has been put at the forefront of national and local strategies. The aim is to deliver better care and meet rising demand for services by taking advantage of the available resources, data and technologies.
Next Steps on the NHS Five Year Forward View (2017) outlines what progress has been achieved so far and the practical improvements that can be delivered across the health service in key areas such as cancer, mental health and GP access. Implementation strategies are underpinned by an agreed, costed and phased NHS technology plan, based on the Wachter review recommendations about the use of electronic health records and other digital tools to achieve a paper free system. Over the next two years significant solutions will be developed with a clear objective: simplify patient access to care, in the most appropriate location, while supporting people in managing their own health.
Following the success of the 12 Global Digital Exemplars a new wave trusts have been announced, the so-called “fast followers” will be eligible each for up to £5 million to adopt the digital transformation blueprint. Advances have also been made in mental health care and over the past few months seven hospitals have been selected to become world class digital exemplars for the rest of the NHS to learn from.
DigiHealth UK: Harnessing Technology and Innovation will explore the major work programmes set out in the NHS technology plans to provide delegates with the key information and knowledge necessary to improve health outcomes, simplify patient access and reduce cost through digital services. This conference will highlight the cutting edge technologies and service innovation that is transforming the way healthcare is delivered to patients.
Costs: NHS Rate: £150 + VAT; Charity Sector: £160 + VAT; Public Sector: £230+VAT.
For further information and booking visit: http://www.openforumevents.co.uk/event/digihealth-uk-harnessing-technology-and-innovation/
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