Our programme team is the catalyst in our success.
We will work alongside Technology Transfer Offices and Business Development Managers in our partner universities to:
- help you find the right people to work with
- identify and leverage funds and resources
- support innovation skills development

Dr Andrew Aldridge
Role and responsibility
Technology Innovation and IP Development Manager
I work in the Medical Technologies Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC) based in the Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, where my role is focussed on supporting and accelerating the translation and development of new medical technologies with a strategic focus on the emerging regenerative device sector (for...
... more information see http://medical-technologies.leeds.ac.uk/).
I am involved in identifying and supporting academic project leaders to maximise promising medical technology opportunities, and managing and progressing projects which show sufficient commercial promise to development with commercial, clinical and other partners. In addition to this I coordinate the Medical Technologies IP portfolio, including the identification, assessment and protection of IP.
Career history
My research work is in collaboration with the NHSBT-TES, where I work on translation research with a focus on delivering/translating new and innovative therapies into clinical practice.
Qualifications and memberships
I have a PhD in Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, an MSc in Infection and Immunity, a BSc in Biochemistry and Medical Biochemistry and a PGCert in Professional Innovation Management.

Dr Danielle Miles
Role and responsibility
Technology Innovation Manager
I am a Technology Innovation Manager working in the Medical Technologies Innovation team on the Translate Programme. My role involves supporting medical technology research translation and embedding innovation capability in the Leeds City Region. I complement the activities of knowledge and technology transfer staff at each of our...
... partner institutes by providing sector specific expertise to support the generation, evaluation and development of potential project opportunities. I build consortiums to address un-met clinical needs through running innovation workshops, brokering relationships and carrying out technology scouting activities. My role also involves working with academics across our five partner universities to provide translation know-how in order to secure external funding for projects involving applied research innovation and translation. Finally I provide support with market and regulatory requirements, risks and barriers to commercialisation and IP strategy.
Career history
I come from a research background, gaining my PhD in chemistry on self-assembling peptides. This lead to me becoming a Research Fellow specialising in hydrogels for biomedical applications, where I as actively involved in shaping and implementing project IP and commercialisation strategies, as well as creating clinical collaborations. I also bring industrial experience with me to this role having spent time in both the pharmaceutical and the medical devices industries, where I gained intelligence on evaluating early stage technologies and regulatory pathways in particular for advanced therapeutic medicinal products.
Qualifications and memberships
- PGCert in Professional Innovation Management (Distinction)
- PhD in Chemistry – Self assembling peptides for biomedical applications
- MChem with Industry (First)

Dr Graeme Howling
Role and responsibility
I work in the Medical Technologies Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC) based in the Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, supporting and accelerating the translation and development of new medical technologies with a strategic focus on the emerging regenerative device sector (for more information see http://medical-technologies.leeds.ac.uk/). My role is focussed on the identification of new technology opportunities and provide support in order to advance development and commercial investment readiness. My role also includes project management and translation support of proof of concept projects within the Translate and IKC programmes. I was involved in the development of HEFCE Catalyst proposal to fund the Translate programme and have an excellent understanding of the medical devices industry and its challenges, as well as a background in scientific project management and innovation.
Career history
I have worked in the IKC since 2011 prior to which I worked for almost 10 years in a number of research and innovation roles at an international medical devices company.
Qualifications and memberships
PhD in Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering, MSc in Medical Biotechnology, BSc in Biochemistry and Applied Molecular Biology

Dr Jennifer Spear
Role and responsibility
IKC Technology Innovation Manager
I work in the Medical Technologies Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC) based in the Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, where my role is focussed on the identification of new technology opportunities and to provide support to advance development and commercial investment readiness of emerging regenerative device technologies...
... (for more information see http://medical-technologies.leeds.ac.uk/).
My role also includes project management and translation support of proof of concept projects within the Translate and IKC programmes and providing funding development leadership to the Medical Technologies programmes.
Career history
I am a biomedical engineer with significant experience in medical and pharmaceutical device development, in both SMEs and large multi-national companies. In industry I led the development of a range of technologies including orthopaedic implants, surgical technologies and drug delivery technology platforms from clinical need concept through to market launch.
I have an excellent understanding of the medical devices industry and its challenges, as well as a background in scientific project management and innovation.
I have worked supporting research innovation within the University of Leeds for a number of years and have a sound background in leading funding development and supporting research translation.
Qualifications and memberships
- PhD in Biomedical Engineering (University of Leeds)
- BEng (hons) in Mechanical Engineering (University of Leeds)
- Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Dr Josephine Dixon-Hardy
Role and responsibility
Director of Medical Technologies Innovation
Director of Operations, Medical Technologies Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC)
Director of the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Medical Devices (MeDe)
Translate ‘Realising Medical Technologies Innovation in the Leeds City Region’ project lead
I contribute to the strategic direction and lead the operational delivery of medical technology innovation programmes in the Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering. These programmes have a strategic focus on orthopaedic medical device manufacture (MeDe http://mede-innovation.ac.uk/) and on the emerging regenerative device sector (IKC http://medical-technologies.leeds.ac.uk/). I am co-investigator on the Translate project, funded through HEFCE Catalyst funding.
Career history
I have 17 years’ experience of the strategic development and operational management of innovation projects involving a range of public and private sector stakeholders in engineering, physical and life sciences. Prior to this, I spent 7 years in academic research and teaching in life sciences. Further information can be found at uk.linkedin.com/in/josephinedixonhardy
Qualifications and memberships
- Professional/Academic qualifications and memberships
- BSc Botany with Microbiology (Nottingham)
- PhD Microbiology (Nottingham)
- PGCert Executive and Business Coaching (Leeds Beckett)

Dr Lisa Hill
Role and responsibility
I am the Innovation Development Manager for Translate. My role is focused on project management, including governance, performance management, and evaluation of the programme. I am also responsible for developing our approach to enhancing innovation capability through, for example, training, secondments, and mentoring schemes.
Career history
I have 17 years’ experience in the higher education sector, having previously held a number of senior research management positions at the UK Research Councils (1999-2008), including Head of Evaluation at the AHRC. More recently, I worked in research management at the University of Bristol (2009 -16), including as Research Development Manager for the Faculty of Science. Before taking up the role of Innovation Development Manager for Translate, I was based in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Bristol, where I was Project Manager for the highly successful £2m NERC-funded CREDIBLE project (2012-16).
Qualifications and memberships
PRINCE2 Practitioner
DPhil (Oxon), MA (Bristol), BSc (Dunelm)

Dr Sean Clarkson
Role and responsibility
Technology Innovation Manager
I work as part of the Medical Technologies Innovation team, based in the Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering at the University of Leeds. I mainly focus upon the Translate programme, providing sector-specific expertise to support the development and translation of early stage medical technology research in five...
... partner universities across the Leeds City Region.
My role involves the development and identification of new technology opportunities through technology scouting activities and running unmet clinical need innovation workshops. I provide sector-specific expertise, support, and management for projects (assisting with areas such as proof of market, proof of concept, business case development, access to funding, and access to collaboration partners), accelerating their progression towards commercialisation and investment readiness.
Career history
I have previously worked at Sheffield Hallam Universities’ world leading Centre for Sports Engineering Research, developing new technology innovations for elite sport and health. Through a number of projects and collaborations with governing bodies, clinicians, and companies, I have experience in translating academic research into commercial products and propositions, and products for use within the NHS and elite sport training environments.
Qualifications and memberships
I have a PhD in the area of Sports Engineering, an MSc in Electronics and IT, and a BEng in Electronic Engineering. I am also an Incorporated Engineer, and a member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology.
MSc BEng (Hons), IEng, MIET

Ms Beverley Croft
Role and responsibility
Team Secretary
I am Team Secretary and lead the day to day secretarial and administrative function of the Medical Technologies team as well as providing PA support to Jo Dixon-Hardy and Mike Raxworthy. I have worked at the University of Leeds for almost 2 years initially in Estate Services and...
... before joining the IMBE team in March 2016. I have substantial and wide ranging administrative and secretarial experience in further education, as well as both the public and private sectors.
Career history
Qualifications and memberships
Although I work pan programme, I have heavy involvement in facilitating Translate meetings and taking minutes at such. I am your contact for any such matters and can also arrange car parking if attending any Translate meetings/ events at the University of Leeds providing I am given sufficient notice – minimum 24 hours. I would require the vehicle registration number with the request.

Ms Claire Perry
Role and responsibility
Communications and Engagement Assistant
I am the Communications and Engagement Assistant for the Translate programme at the University of Leeds. My role entails administration of the programme website and members area, creating content and distribution of newsletters/ direct mailing campaigns and supporting our social media presence (Blog, LinkedIn, Twitter). I also coordinate events, support the development for new...
... marketing materials and maintain the supporting CRM.
Career history
I have worked at the University for 10 years in an administrative role supporting centrally provided programmes across both Research Innovation and Learning and Teaching provision within Staff development. I have supported various size projects and training rollouts, managed web development and marketing campaigns and been responsible for content creation in support of work stream objectives.
Qualifications and memberships
Ba Hons Business and Management

Nick Chester
Role and responsibility
Reporting Officer in Medical Technologies.
I am responsible for information management and reporting requirements across the Medical Technologies portfolio: the IKC, Translate and MeDe Innovation. By maintaining and querying our bespoke MS Access database, we can measure the progress of individual projects and programmes, and success across the entire portfolio. This information is...
... submitted to our funders.
I support technology innovation managers in developing innovative ways of managing information, with particular emphasis on shared working and collaboration in multi-partner programmes.
I am also the departmental lead for data protection and governance.
Career history
My background is in museum collections documentation. I have worked with varied collections at a number of internationally-renowned organisations, such as the V&A, the Geffrye Museum and the Crafts Council. I developed and implemented collection databases and helped to bring the organisations’ documentation practices in line with national standards. Ultimately, this widened public access to information about their collections.
Qualifications and memberships
I have a BA in History from the University of Leeds (2009) and a Masters in Museum Studies from Newcastle University (2010).

Rowan Grant
Role and responsibility
Communications and Engagement Manager
I am the Communications and Engagement Manager for Medical Technologies at the University of Leeds: the single gateway to the full capability of research and translation in medical technologies at the University. I lead the development of these national Centres and supporting engagement with UK and global academic,...
... clinical and business partners interested in innovation in medical technologies.
It is my responsibility to plan and implement marketing and communications strategies for the growth in membership and engagement for each Centre, and to position the programmes as national centres for excellence.
This involves leading development and implementation of new brands; implementing sophisticated techniques to maximise participation of the Centres’ partners; maximising the communications budget; managing national networks and appraising our delivery to inform future activity.
Career history
I have worked at the University of Leeds for nine years, developing from an administrator into a role responsible for the planning, delivery and evaluation of marketing, communications and engagement across a portfolio of Medical Technology Innovation programmes.
Working across the portfolio has given me a sound understanding of the Med Tech landscape both regionally and nationally, and skills in forward planning and project management to ensure all activities are delivered to time.
Qualifications and memberships
- Postgraduate Diploma: Journalism, London School of Journalism
- Chartered Institute of Marketing Professional Diploma
- Chartered Institute of Marketing Professional Certificate
- ACIM – Chartered Institute of Marketing